ALGORITHMS MEET-UP is a supportive community nurturing algorithmic thinking through inspiring and engaging meet-ups.
We meet every Second and Third Sunday at different locations to learn Data Structures & Algorithms and their implementation in Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript. Add it to your calendar.
Our goal is to support each other to become better engineers at our craft.
We are an open community - anyone can join us. We check each other's code, communicate and collaborate to solve algorithms. We strive to be welcoming and respectful with our differences.
- Stacks & Queues
- Recursion
- Time Complexity
- Elemenentary Sorting
- Sorting Algorithms
- Trees & Searching
- Revieving Core Concepts above
- Binary Trees
- Graphs & Paths
- Depth & Breadth-First Search
- Hash Tables
- ...
- Leetcode problems
100% inspired by Bianca Gandolfo, her inspiration gave us the impetus to start this in our local community.